Alertes en vigueur Calhoun

Avertissement de gel
Émis à ven. 01:39 nov.. 22
Publié par : National Weather Service
Action Recommandée
Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.To prevent freezing and possible bursting of pipes they should bewrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly.Those that have in ground sprinkler systems should drain them andcover above ground pipes to protect them from freezing.
Détails complets  
Avertissement de gel
Émis à ven. 01:39 nov.. 22
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...For the first Freeze Warning, temperatures as low as 32 insheltered and typically cold locations. For the second FreezeWarning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 affecting moreareas.* WHERE...Blount, Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Etowah,Fayette, Lamar, Marion, Randolph, St. Clair, Talladega, Walker,and Winston Counties.* WHEN...For the first Freeze Warning, until 8 AM CST this morning.For the second Freeze Warning, from midnight tonight to 8 AM CSTSaturday.* IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, othersensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoorplumbing.

Action Recommandée

Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.To prevent freezing and possible bursting of pipes they should bewrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly.Those that have in ground sprinkler systems should drain them andcover above ground pipes to protect them from freezing.

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