Alertes en vigueur Grand and Summit Counties Below 9000 Feet

avertissement de météo hivernale
Émis à lun. 12:57 nov.. 25
Publié par : National Weather Service

...SIGNIFICANT WINTER STORM MIDWEEK TO BRING CONSIDERABLE TRAVELDISRUPTIONS TO THE MOUNTAINS....A significant winter storm will impact the mountains and highsvalleys southern foothills and Palmer Ridge late Monday nightthrough into Wednesday night. It may impact holiday travel. Snowwill be relatively persistent through the period, although theheaviest snowfall will occur Tuesday and Tuesday night, with lightersnowfall intensities on Wednesday. Significant travel disruptionsand road closures can be expected. Storm total accumulations of 10to 22 inches will be widespread for areas within the Winter StormWarning, although locally higher amounts will be possible above11,000 ft. Treacherous roads will extend into the high valleys,southern foothills and Palmer Ridge as well, although snowfallaccumulations will be less in these areas - generally 4 to 8 inches,with locally higher amounts in eastern portions of Middle Park.* WHAT...Snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 4 and 12inches.* WHERE...Grand and Summit Counties Below 9000 Feet.* WHEN...From 3 AM Tuesday to 11 PM MST Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to impossible.

Action Recommandée

Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest roadconditions for Colorado can be obtained by calling 5 1 1 or by goingto traveling to the mountains, be prepared for winter drivingconditions. Check for road closures and traction laws.

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