Alertes en vigueur Central Somerset

avertissement de météo hivernale
Émis à lun. 14:29 nov.. 25
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow accumulations upto one inch in the higher elevations, and ice accumulations up toone tenth of an inch.* WHERE...Portions of west central and western Maine and central andnorthern New Hampshire.* WHEN...From 1 AM to 1 PM EST Tuesday.* IMPACTS...Although ice amounts will be light, the freezing rain isexpected to fall on cold bare pavement. This will lead to thepotential for glaze ice formation on untreated roads, leading toextremely dangerous travel conditions. Even light snowfall amountscan accumulate on roads and cause dangerous driving conditions dueto snow covered roads. The hazardous conditions could impact theTuesday morning commute.

Action Recommandée

Slow down and use caution while traveling. The latest roadconditions can be obtained by going to

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