Alertes en vigueur Fairfield

Avertissement de gel
Émis à ven. 00:16 nov.. 22
Publié par : National Weather Service
Action Recommandée
Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.To prevent water pipes from freezing; wrap or drain or allow them todrip slowly.Boaters on area lakes should use extra caution since strong windsand rough waves can overturn small craft.
Détails complets  
Avis de vents d’effet de lac
Émis à ven. 00:16 nov.. 22
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...For the Lake Wind Advisory, west winds 15 to 20 mph withgusts up to 35 mph. For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezingtemperatures as low as 32 expected.* WHERE...Chesterfield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lee, Newberry, NorthernLancaster, and Southern Lancaster Counties.* WHEN...Until 9 AM EST this morning.* IMPACTS...Strong winds and rough waves on area lakes will createhazardous conditions for small craft. In addition, frost andfreeze conditions could kill crops or other sensitive vegetation.

Action Recommandée

Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.To prevent water pipes from freezing; wrap or drain or allow them todrip slowly.Boaters on area lakes should use extra caution since strong windsand rough waves can overturn small craft.

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