Alertes en vigueur Westport - The Groynes, WA

Avis d’inondation côtière
Émis à mer. 22:50 nov.. 13
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...Minor coastal flooding possible. Inundation of around 2feet above ground level is possible along shorelines and low-lying coastal areas.* WHERE...North Coast and Central Coast zones.* WHEN...From 8 AM to 2 PM PST Thursday.* IMPACTS...Minor coastal flooding due to tidal overflow isexpected around high tide. This may lead to flooding ofparking lots, parks, and roads, with only isolated roadclosures expected.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...High tide will peak around 11 AM PSTThursday.

Action Recommandée

If travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may beclosed. Do not drive around barricades or through water ofunknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-proneproperty.Inundation above ground level refers to the height above the MeanHigher High Water (MHHW) level.

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