Alertes en vigueur Armona, CA

Avertissement de chaleur accablante
Émis à dim. 17:53 juin. 30
Publié par : National Weather Service
Action Recommandée

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.


* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with a 50 to 90% Probability ofhigh temperatures 105F or hotter. There is a 50% Probability ofminimum temperatures of 73F or warmer. HeatRisk will be Major orLevel 3 of 4 initially, then become Extreme, Level 4 of 4 on the4th of July into the weekend.* WHERE...San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada foothills.* WHEN...From 11 AM Tuesday to 8 AM PDT Monday, July 08.* IMPACTS...This level of rare, long-duration extreme heat withlittle to no overnight relief affects everyone, especially thosewithout effective cooling and/or adequate hydration.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Impacts likely in most health systems,heat-sensitive industries and infrastructure.