Alertes en vigueur Archers Corner, NJ

Bulletin Météorologique Spécial
Émis à jeu. 15:54 oct.. 31
Publié par : National Weather Service

There is an increased risk of fire spread Friday afternoon.Relative humidity values are expected to fall to around 30% to35% across much of the area in the wake of a cold front by themid to late afternoon hours. This will be combined with west tonorthwest winds near 15 mph, with gusts of 25 to 30 mph possible,temperatures in the mid to upper 70s, and clearing skies. Theseconditions will support the spread of any fires that ignite, whichcould quickly become difficult to control.Outdoor burning is strongly discouraged. Be sure to properlyextinguish or dispose of any potential ignition sources,including smoking materials such as cigarette butts. Burnrestrictions and burn bans are in effect for some areas. Refer toyour state's forest fire management agency for more informationon burn restrictions in your local area.Relative humidity values will remain low into the weekend, howeverwinds will be much lighter. Burn restrictions may still be inplace given the very dry conditions and lack of any recentrainfall.

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