Alertes en vigueur Azui, NM

Bulletin des crues éclair spécial
Émis à dim. 23:51 oct.. 20
Publié par : National Weather Service
The heavy rain has ended. Flash flooding is no longer expected topose a threat. Please continue to heed any remaining road closures.
Détails complets  
avertissement de météo hivernale
Émis à lun. 13:22 nov.. 4
Publié par : National Weather Service

* WHAT...Snow. Additional snow accumulations up to two inches. Windsgusting as high as 40 mph.* WHERE...Estancia Valley, Glorieta Mesa Including Glorieta Pass,Far Northeast Highlands, Northeast Highlands, and Union County.* WHEN...Until 5 PM MST this afternoon.* IMPACTS...Plan on snow packed or icy road conditions. Thisincludes portions of I-40. Areas of blowing snow couldsignificantly reduce visibility.

Action Recommandée

Slow down and use caution while traveling. For the latest roadconditions, dial 511 or 1.800.432.4269, or visit

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