- Kabaigon
- Kabina
- Kaboni
- Kacheposit
- Kadis 11
- Kagawong
- Kahas 7
- Kahkaykay 6
- Kahkewistahaw Indian Reserve No. 72 A-1
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72B
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72C
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72D
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72E
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72G
- Kahkewistahaw I.R. 72H
- Kahmoose 4
- Kahnawake 14
- Kahntah 3
- Kahshe Lake
- Kaikalahun 25
- Kaipokok
- Kaisun
- Kai-Too-Kwis 15
- Kajustus 10
- Kakabeka Falls
- Kakalatza 6
- Kakapawanis
- Kakisa
- Kakweken 4
- Kaladar
- Kaleden
- Kaleland
- Kalyna
- Kama
- Kamarsuk
- Kamaskawak
- Kamihkowapihskak Pawistik Indian Reserve
- Kâmînikacik
- Kaministikwia
- Kaministiqua
- Kaministiquia
- Kamiskotia
- Kamloops
- Kamloops 1
- Kamloops 2
- Kamloops 3
- Kamloops 4
- Kamloops 5
- Kamouraska
- Kamouraska-Moulin
- Kamsack
- Kamsack Beach
- Kanaka Bar 1A
- Kanaka Bar 2
- Kananaskis
- Kanata
- Kandahar
- Kanesatake
- Kangiqsualujjuaq
- Kangiqsujuaq
- Kangirsuk
- Kannata Valley
- Kaoowinch 10
- Kaouk 13
- Kâpakebîhâk
- Kapaneewekamik Place
- Kapasiwin
- Kapawasihk
- Kapawe'No First Nation No. 229 (Formerly Grouard 229)
- Kapawe'No First Nation No. 231 (Formerly Grouard 231)
- Kapeeseewinik
- Kapuskasing
- Kapuskaypachik
- Karalash Corners
- Karlukwees 1
- Kars
- Kars
- Kasabonika
- Kasabonika Lake
- Kasha
- Kashabowie
- Kashechewan
- Kashittle 9
- Kasika 36
- Kasika 71
- Kasika 72
- Kasiks River 29
- Kaslo
- Kasshabog Lake
- Kaste 6
- Kaszuby
- Kateen River 39
- Katepwa
- Katepwa Beach
- Katepwa South
- Katevale
- Kathmae Siding
- Kathmore
- Kathrintal Colony
- Kathyrn
- Katit 1
- Katrine
- Kattiniq/Donaldson Airport
- Katzie 1
- Katzie 2
- Kauk Bight
- Kawa
- Kawacatoose First Nation Indian Reserve No. 88
- Kawages 4
- Kawartha Haven
- Kawartha Heights
- Kawartha Hideaway
- Kawartha Lakes
- Kawartha Park
- Kawawachikamach
- Kawene
- Kawkawa Lake 16
- Kayel 8
- Kaykaip 7
- K'Ay Noo 47
- Kayouk 8
- Kay Settlement
- Kayville
- Kazabazua
- Kdad-Eesh 4
- Keadon Park
- Keady
- Kearney
- Kearns
- Keatings Corner
- Kebaowek
- Kedgwick
- Kedgwick River
- Kedleston
- Kedleston
- Kedleston Beach
- Kedron
- Keecekiltum 2
- Keecha 11
- Keego
- Keeler
- Keelerville
- Keelesdale-Eglinton West
- Keels
- Keemle
- Keenansville
- Keene
- Keephills
- Keeseekoose 66A
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66A
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-02
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-03
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-04
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-05
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ca-06
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ch-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ch-03
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ch-04
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Co-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Co-02
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ke-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ke-02
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ke-03
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ke-04
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Ke-05
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Sa-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-Sa-02
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-St-01
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-St-02
- Keeseekoose I.R. 66-St-03
- Keeseekoose I.R. Kk#66-St-04
- Keeseekoowenin 61
- Keeshan 9
- Keewatin
- Keewatin
- Keewaydin
- Kee-Way-Win
- Keg River
- Kegworth
- Kehiwin 123
- Keith
- Keith Island 7
- Kejick
- Kekerten
- Keld
- Keldon
- Kelfield
- Keller Bridge
- Kellers
- Kelligrews
- Kelliher
- Kellross No. 247
- Kells
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly Creek 3
- Kelly Lake
- Kelly Road
- Kellys Corner
- Kellys Cross
- Kelowna
- Kelsey
- Kelsey
- Kelsey, Division No. 22
- Kelso
- Kelvin Grove
- Kelvington
- Kelvington No. 366
- Kelwood
- Kemano
- Kemano 17
- Kemano Powerhouse
- Kemble
- Kemptown
- Kempt Road
- Kemptville
- Kemsquit 1
- Kenabeek
- Kenabutch
- Kenaston
- Kendal
- Kendal
- Kendrick Camp
- Kendry
- Keneden Park
- Kenhill Beach
- Kenilworth
- Kenlis
- Kenloch
- Kenmore
- Kennaway
- Kennebecasis Island
- Kennedy
- Kennedy Acres
- Kennedy Bay
- Kennedy Park
- Kennedys
- Kennell
- Kennetcook
- Kenneth
- Kennicott
- Kennisis Lake
- Kenny Woods
- Kenogami Lake
- Keno Hill
- Kenora
- Kenora 38B
- Kenora, Unorganized
- Kenosee Lake
- Kenosee Park
- Kenrei Park
- Kensington
- Kensington-Chinatown
- Kensington Point
- Kenstone Beach
- Kent
- Kent
- Kent Bridge
- Kent Centre
- Kenton
- Kent Park
- Kentvale
- Kentville
- Kenville
- Kenwell
- Kenyan Lake Indian Reserve
- Kenzie
- Kenzieville
- Keogh 2
- Keogh 3
- Keogh 6
- Keoma
- Keom Cho 38
- Kepler
- Keppel
- Keppoch
- Keppoch
- Kequesta 1
- Keremeos
- Keremeos Forks 12 & 12A
- Kerensky
- Kergwenan
- Kerns
- Kerr
- Kerr Creek
- Kerr Lake
- Kerr Line
- Kerrobert
- Kerrowgare
- Kerrs Ridge
- Kerry
- Kerry Lake East 9
- Kerry Lake West 8
- Kersey
- Kersley
- Kertch
- Kerwood
- Kessock
- Keswar 16
- Keswick
- Keswick
- Keswick Beach
- Keswick Ridge
- Ketai 28
- Ketchen
- Ketch Harbour
- Ketchum Ridge
- Ketepec
- Ketoneda 7
- Kettleby
- Kettle Point 44
- Kettle's Beach
- Kevisville
- Kew
- Keward
- Keyano
- Keyarka 17
- Key Harbour
- Key Junction
- Key River
- Keyser
- Keys No. 303
- Keyson
- Keystone
- Keystone Camps
- Key West
- Key West No. 70
- Khartum
- Khazisela 7
- Khedive
- Khiva
- Khrana 4
- Khtahda 10
- Khutzemateen 49
- Khyex 8
- Kiamika
- Kichha 10
- Kidd's Landing
- Kikino
- Kilbirnie
- Kilbride
- Kilburn
- Kilchult 3
- Kilcoo Camp
- Kildala River 10
- Kildonan
- Kilfoil
- Kilgorie
- Kilkenny
- Kilkerran
- Killaloe
- Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards
- Killaly
- Killam
- Killams Mills
- Killarney
- Killarney
- Killarney-Turtle Mountain
- Killbear Park
- Killdeer
- Killean
- Killiney Beach
- Killiniq
- Killoween
- Kilman
- Kilmanagh
- Kilmarnock
- Kilmarnock
- Kilmartin
- Kilmaurs
- Kilmuir
- Kil-Pah-Las 3
- Kilronan
- Kilrush
- Kilsyth
- Kilsyth
- Kiltala 2
- Kiltarlity
- Kilty Switch
- Kilworth
- Kilworthy
- Kimball
- Kimball
- Kimberley
- Kimberley
- Kimberley Park
- Kimberlytown
- Kimbo
- Kimmirut
- Kimosominahk Indian Reserve
- Kimosom Pwatinahk I.R. #203
- Kimsquit
- Kinburn
- Kinburn, Comté de Huron
- Kincaid
- Kincardine
- Kincardine
- Kincolith 14
- Kindersley
- Kindersley No. 290
- King
- Kingarf
- King City
- Kingcome
- Kingfisher
- Kingfisher Indian Reserve No. 2A
- Kingfisher Indian Reserve No. 3A
- Kingfisher Lake 1
- King George No. 256
- Kinghorn
- Kinghorn
- Kinghurst
- King Kirkland
- Kinglake
- Kingman
- King Pitt
- Kings
- Kings
- Kingsboro
- Kingsbridge
- Kingsbury
- Kingsclear
- Kingsclear 6
- Kingscote
- Kingscourt
- King's Cove
- Kings Cove
- Kingsdale
- Kingsey Falls
- Kingsgate
- Kingsland
- Kingsley
- Kingsley No. 124
- King's Point
- Kingston
- Kingston
- Kingston
- Kingston
- Kingston Corner
- Kingston Mills
- Kingsview Village-The Westway
- Kingsville
- Kingsway South
- Kings Wharf
- Kingswood Acres
- Kingwood
- Kinhuron
- Kinikinik
- Kinistin I.R. 91
- Kinistin I.R. 91A
- Kinistino
- Kinistino No. 459
- Kinkora
- Kinkora
- Kinley
- Kinloch
- Kinlock
- Kinlough
- Kinmakanksk 6
- Kinmount
- Kinnaird
- Kinnear Settlement
- Kinnear's Mills
- Kinogama
- Kinoosao-Thomas Clarke I.R. 204
- Kinosis
- Kinosota
- Kinross
- Kinsale
- Kinsella
- Kinsmans Corner
- Kintail
- Kintore
- Kintyre
- Kinusisipi
- Kinuso
- Kioosta 15
- Kiosk
- Kiowana Beach
- Kipabiskau
- Kipahigan Sakahikan Indian Reserve No. 222
- Kipawa
- Kipisa
- Kipling
- Kipp
- Kippase 2
- Kippen
- Kippens
- Kirby
- Kirby Point 6
- Kirby's Corner
- Kirby's Cove
- Kirk
- Kirkcaldy
- Kirk Cove
- Kirke
- Kirkfield
- Kirkhill
- Kirkhill
- Kirkland
- Kirkland Lake
- Kirkpatrick
- Kirkstone
- Kirkton
- Kirkwall
- Kirkwood
- Kiron
- Kirriemuir
- Kisameet 7
- Kis-An-Usko 7
- Kisbey
- Kischiayamweekemow
- Kisgegas
- Kishbaugh
- Kishnacous 29
- Kisipikamak Indian Reserve
- Kiskaciwan I.R. #208
- Kiskissink
- Kispiox 1
- Kistapinânihk Indian Reserve 231
- Kistapinan Indian Reserve 211
- Kitamaat 1
- Kitamaat 2
- Kitasa 7
- Kitasoo 1
- Kitchener
- Kitchener
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib
- Kitchenuhmaykoosib Aaki 84 (Big Trout Lake)
- Kitchiokonim Place
- Kitchisakik
- Kitigan
- Kitigan Zibi
- Kitikmeot
- Kitimat
- Kitimat-Stikine
- Kitkahta 1
- Kitkatla
- Kitlawaoo 10
- Kitlope 16
- Kitsakie I.R. 156B
- Kitsault
- Kitscoty
- Kitseguecla
- Kitselas 1
- Kitsemenlagan 19
- Kitsemenlagan 19A
- Kitsilano 6
- Kits-Ka-Haws 6
- Kitsumkaylum 1
- Kittigazuit
- K'I Tue 196d (Birch Lake Site)
- Kitwanga
- Kitzowit 20
- Kiusta
- Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay
- Kivitoo
- Klagookchew 9
- Klahkamich 17
- Klahkowit 5
- Klahoose 1
- Klakelse 86
- Klaklacum 12
- Klapthlon 5
- Klapthlon 5A
- Klaskish 3
- Kleefeld
- Kleetlekut 22
- Kleetlekut 22A
- Klehkoot 2
- Kleinburg
- Kleindale
- Klemtu
- Klewaduska 6
- Kleykleyhous 5
- Klickkumcheen 18
- Klickseewy 7
- Klie's Beach
- Klintonel
- Klitsis 16
- Klock
- Kloklowuck 7
- Klondike
- Klondyke
- Kloo Lake
- Kloyadingli 2
- Kluachon Lake 1
- Kluane First Nation
- Kluemt 15
- Klueys Bay
- Klukshu
- Kluskus 1
- Kluskus 14
- Knamadeek 52
- Knames 45
- Knames 46
- Knapdale
- Knapp Lake 6
- Kneehill
- Kneehill No. 48
- Knee Hill Valley
- Knee Lake I.R. 192B
- Knightington
- Knob Hill
- Knob Hill, Division No. 11
- Knob Lake Junction
- Knokmolks 67
- Knowlesville
- Knowlton
- Knoxbridge
- Knoxford
- Knudsens Corner
- Knutsford
- Knutsford
- Koanclikulluk
- Kobes
- Koidern
- Koksilah
- Ko-Kwi-Iss 14
- Kokyet 1
- Kolapore
- Komoka
- Kondiaronk
- Koonwats 7
- Kooryet 12
- Kootenay 1
- Kootenay Bay
- Kootenay Boundary
- Kootenay Crossing
- Kootowis 4
- Kopchitchin 2
- Kopp's Kove
- Koqui 6
- Kormak
- Kosapachekaywinasinne
- Kosapechekanesik
- Kose 9
- Kossuth
- Kotsine 2
- Kouchibouguac
- Kovach
- Kowtain 17
- Kragmont
- Krakow
- Kramer Subdivision
- Krasne
- Krestova
- Kristnes
- Kronau
- Kronsgart
- Krugerdorf
- Krydor
- Ksabasn 50
- Ksadagamks 43
- Ksadsks 44
- Ksagwisgwas 62
- Ksagwisgwas 63
- Ksames 85
- Ksan
- Kshaoom 23
- Kshish 4 and 4A
- Kshish 4B
- Ksituan
- Ksoo-Gun-Ya 2A
- Kstus 83
- Kstus 84
- Ksui-la-Das 6
- Ktamgaodzen 51
- Kuaste 8
- Kugaaruk
- Kugluktuk
- Kuhryville
- Kukatush
- Kukwapa 5
- Kul 18
- Kuldekduma 7
- Kuldoe 1
- Kulish
- Kulkayu 4
- Kulkayu 4A
- Kulspai 6
- Kultah 4
- Kumcheen 1
- Kumowadah 3
- Kumpfville
- Kung
- Kung 11
- Kunhunoan 13
- Kunsoot 9
- Kunstamis 2
- Kunstamis 2A
- Kupchynalth 1
- Kupchynalth 2
- Kuper Island 7
- Kuroki
- Kurtzville
- Kushya Creek 12
- Kushya Creek 7
- Kuskonook
- Kutawa
- Kutawa No. 278
- Kutcous Point 33
- Kuthlalth 3
- Kuthlo 18
- Kuujjuaq
- Kuujjuarapik
- Kuz Che 5
- Kwanlin Dun First Nation
- Kwatlena 4
- Kwa-Tsa-Lix 4
- Kwatse 3
- Kwawkwawapilt 6
- Kwetahkis 9
- Kwum Kwum 28A
- Kyarti 3
- Kyex 64
- Kye-Yaa-La 1
- Kyidagwis 2
- Kyimla 11
- Kykinalko 2
- Kyle
- Kylemore
- Kynoch
- Kynocks
- Kyuquot